
Peace Talks’ collaborative team of attorneys, therapists and financial professionals will settle your divorce or custody issues in a sane, sensible and fair way at a reasonable cost.

Divorce Mediation is:

  • 90% less expensive than litigation
  • Confidential and private
  • On your time schedule, not the court’s
  • Tailored to your family’s needs

Divorce litigation over property, parental rights, and pride destroys families. The cost of court is high both financially and emotionally.

Divorce mediation offers a sane, sensible, and affordable alternative.

At Peace Talks, our co-mediation teams of attorneys and therapists craft a settlement that works for you and for your family. Our divorce mediators work with you to explore options, get the information you need to make good decisions and reach your own agreements, keeping you in ultimate control over your future.

Is divorce mediation for you? Get started with our Quick Start FAQ or call to speak with us personally or to schedule a free mediation orientation (310) 301-2100.

Divorce Mediation: A neutral facilitator helps people in conflict explore options, improve communication and find a settlement that works for everyone involved.

Divorce: When a marriage is dissolved, the parties are single and unmarried after the final decree enters with the court.