Financial Solutions

Divorce Financial Solutions

Everyone’s financial needs and goals are different. Every couple’s situation is unique.  The financial mediators at Peace Talks have the experience and expertise to guide decision-making and problem-solving on a wide range of financial issues related to divorce, including:

  • Tax issues
  • Property division
  • Health care
  • Retirement and pensions
  • Social security
  • Property and business interests
  • Cash flow
  • Budget analysis
  • Debt pay-off
  • Insurance coverage
  • Employee benefits
  • Children’s education/special needs
  • Inflation
  • Potential earnings
  • Separate vs. marital property
  • Alimony and child support

How the process works

Peace Talks' team of financial mediators follow a 7-step process to help you achieve lifetime financial security.

  1.  Meet. During our initial meeting, we discuss your immediate and long-term financial needs, concerns, and objectives.
  2.  Discover. We identify your assets, debts, income, and expenses along with potential tax, insurance, retirement, and other financial issues.
  3.  Analyze and Report. We provide personalized schedules of all relevant information; prepare cash flow, net worth, and alternative property division projections; and examine the after-tax effect and long-term consequences of all proposed settlements.
  4.  Review. We meet with you and your attorneys to evaluate reports, answer questions, and make revisions.
  5.  Recommend. We provide information and advice to help you make prudent, workable decisions.
  6.  Follow-up. We consult with you, your attorneys, and other advisors, as needed.
  7.  Post-divorce planning. Knowing that financial planning doesn’t end when the divorce is final, we monitor the transfer of assets, prepare a long-term financial plan based on your specific goals and objectives, and offer ongoing education and advice.